Source: wave/synth.js

// synth.js

import { pulseWave } from "./harmonic.js";

let instrument;

// Sample rate is assumed to be constant
const sampleRate = 44100,
  bitDepth = 16,
  numChannels = 2,
  wavAudioFormat = 1,
  tolerance = 1500;

// Generate rest (silence) data for the specified duration
export function rest(duration) {
  const restData = [];
  const totalSamples = Math.floor(duration * sampleRate);
  for (let i = 0; i < totalSamples; i++) {
    restData.push(0); // Silence
  return restData;

// Concatenates an array of note arrays
export function concat(...notes) {
  return notes.flat(); // Flatten all note arrays into one

// Calculate frequency from pitch step
function semitone(frequency, step) {
  return frequency * Math.pow(2, step / 12.0); // A440 standard

function applyGlide(targetFreq, currentFreq, glideTime, timeStep) {
  const glideStep = (targetFreq - currentFreq) * (timeStep / glideTime);
  return currentFreq + glideStep;

export function whiteNoise(bool) {
  if (bool === true) {
    return Math.random() * 2 - 1;
  return 1;

function mixing(osc1, osc2, a, b, c) {
  return (osc1 * a + osc2 * b) / c;

// Returns the note data based on frequency, duration, envelope, harmonic, and volume
export function noteData(
) {
  const sampleRate = 44100; // Assuming a standard sample rate
  const maxLength = Math.ceil(duration * sampleRate * multiplier);
  let filterState = { value: 0, resonanceGain: 0 }; // Initial filter state

  const data = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) {
    const time = i / sampleRate;

    if (time >= duration) {

    let frequency2 = semitone(frequency, step);
    frequency = applyGlide(frequency, frequency, glideTime, 1 / sampleRate);
    frequency2 = applyGlide(frequency2, frequency2, glideTime, 1 / sampleRate);

    let oscillator1 = 0,
      oscillator2 = 0;
    if (harmonic1 === pulseWave) {
      oscillator1 = harmonic1(frequency, time, width1);
    } else {
      oscillator1 = harmonic1(frequency * time);

    if (harmonic2 === pulseWave) {
      oscillator2 = harmonic2(frequency, time, width2);
    } else {
      oscillator2 = harmonic2(frequency2 * time);

    // Mix the oscillators
    let sample =
      mixing(oscillator1, oscillator2, ratio[0], ratio[1], ratio[2]) +
      noiseLevel * whiteNoise(noiseState);

    // Apply LFO for vibrato
    sample *= 1 + lfoWave(time);

    const amplitude = filterEnv(time);

    // Apply amplitude envelope to the cutoff frequency
    sample = filter(sample, amplitude, sampleRate, filterState);
    sample = filter2(sample, amplitude, sampleRate, filterState);

    const amp = envelope(time, duration);

    sample *= amp;

    // Scale by volume and store in the data array
    data.push(sample * volume);

  return data;

function frequencyScale(step) {
  return 440.0 * Math.pow(2, step / 12.0);

function floorTowardsZero(num) {
  return Math.floor(num);
export function noteData2(frequency, duration, envelope, harmonic, volume) {
  let data = [];

  for (let i = 0; i < duration; i += 1.0 / sampleRate) {
    const x = Math.floor(
      volume * envelope(i, duration) * harmonic(frequency * i),

  return data;

// Check if the given note is in the key signature
export function inKey(keys, note) {
  return keys.includes(note);

// Check if the note is part of the specified key
export function inNote(notes, note) {
  return notes.includes(note);

// utils.js

 * Get the frequency of a note based on its distance from A4 (440 Hz).
 * @param {string} note - The note (e.g., 'C4', 'A4', 'G#5').
 * @returns {number} - The frequency of the note in Hz.
export function calculateFrequency(note) {
  const noteMap = {
    C: -9,
    "C#": -8,
    D: -7,
    "D#": -6,
    E: -5,
    F: -4,
    "F#": -3,
    G: -2,
    "G#": -1,
    A: 0,
    "A#": 1,
    B: 2,

  const noteUpper = note.toUpperCase();
  const parsedNote = noteUpper.match(/^([A-G]#?)(\d)$/);
  if (!parsedNote) throw new Error(`Invalid note format: ${note}`);

  const [, noteName, octave] = parsedNote;
  const semitoneDistance = noteMap[noteName] + (parseInt(octave) - 4) * 12;
  return 440 * Math.pow(2, semitoneDistance / 12); // Frequency calculation

// Generate wave value based on oscillator type
function generateWaveValue(type, frequency, time) {
  const phase = 2 * Math.PI * frequency * time;
  switch (type) {
    case "sine":
      return Math.sin(phase);
    case "triangle":
      return (
        2 *
            2 * (time * frequency - Math.floor(time * frequency + 0.5)),
          ) -
    case "square":
      return Math.sign(Math.sin(phase));
    case "sawtooth":
      return 2 * (time * frequency - Math.floor(time * frequency + 0.5));
    case "n0": // White noise
      return Math.random() * 2 - 1;
      return 0; // Default to no contribution if unknown wave type

// Calculate AHDSR envelope value
function calculateDynamicADSR(time, duration, a, d, s, r, h) {
  const attackEnd = a;
  const holdEnd = a + h;
  const decayEnd = holdEnd + d;
  const releaseStart = duration - r;

  if (time < attackEnd) {
    return time / a; // Attack phase (linear ramp)
  } else if (time < holdEnd) {
    return 1; // Hold phase (constant at peak)
  } else if (time < decayEnd) {
    return 1 - ((time - holdEnd) / d) * (1 - s); // Decay phase
  } else if (time < releaseStart) {
    return s; // Sustain phase
  } else if (time <= duration) {
    return s * (1 - (time - releaseStart) / r); // Release phase
  } else {
    return 0; // Beyond duration

export function setInputInstrument(newInstrument) {
  instrument = newInstrument;

export function getInputInstrument() {
  if (instrument === "voice") {
    return "voice";
  } else {
    return "note";